Auditing and Assurance Test Series - CA Inter
Auditing and Assurance Test Series - CA Inter
Our simple, practical and focused approach will help aspirants understand the demand of ICAI exams effectively. Our strategy is to constantly innovate to keep the preparation process dynamic and give personalized attention to individual aspirants based on factors like core competence, availability of time and resource and the requirement of Chartered Accountancy Examination
Answer writing skill development, Structure & presentation of answer, How to present facts, information & knowledge in the answer, Understanding actual requirement (key words, Context & Content) of the CA Exams in the different types of questions and how the questions should be attempted for good score (strategy & approach), Understanding your current preparedness & required action plans and framing your mind towards actual pattern, Toughness and timing of the actual Chartered Accountancy Examination.
Evaluation process focuses on assessing the answers on three dimensions
Focus on providing Answer sheet specific workable comments to aspirants so that they know specifically what fetched those marks and what didn’t work for them.
We have a tiered structure for evaluation of answer Sheets which provides multiple levels of assessment and cross checking to provide depth to the evaluation quality.
Help you master “The Art of Writing Answers” with constant guidance. It will help you to write good answers with contextual, structural and language competency and take your preparedness a notch higher.
Identify your strengths and specific weakness and work upon them in a concerted manner to develop quality content, refine answer writing skill, and efficient time management.
Benchmark your present preparation to gradually enhance the performance.
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